Who is Cooper Huckabee dating? Cooper Huckabee girlfriend, wife

Cooper HuckabeeAmerican Actor 21 Who is he dating right now? According to our records, Cooper Huckabee is possibly single. We have no records of past relationships for Cooper Huckabee. Cooper Huckabee is a 72 year old American Actor. Born Thomas Cooper Huckabee on 1st February, 1951 in Mobile, Alabama, U.S., he is famous for Foul

Cooper Huckabee

Cooper Huckabee  American Actor


Whois hedating right now?

According to our records, Cooper Huckabee is possibly single.


We have no records of past relationships for Cooper Huckabee.


Cooper Huckabee is a 72 year old American Actor. Born Thomas Cooper Huckabee on 1st February, 1951 in Mobile, Alabama, U.S., he is famous for Foul Play. His zodiac sign is Aquarius.


First NameCooper
Last NameHuckabee
Full Name at BirthThomas Cooper Huckabee
Birthday1st February, 1951
BirthplaceMobile, Alabama, U.S.
Height6' 0" (183 cm)
Hair ColorBrown - Dark
Zodiac SignAquarius
Occupation TextActor
Claim to FameFoul Play
Year(s) Active1976–present

Thomas Cooper Huckabee (born May 8, 1951) is an American film and television actor who appeared in The Funhouse, Urban Cowboy, and as Harrison in the 1993 film Gettysburg, among other roles.

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