The Ending of a Match: Pinfall or Submission?

i think the last wrestler i've seen with a submission that looked painful was probably punk's anaconda vise, and he doesn't use it anymore. i think that if he should bring it back at his GAB match with batista, because batista isn't the kind of wrestler that would stay down after a GTS. overall, i'm

i think the last wrestler i've seen with a submission that looked painful was probably punk's anaconda vise, and he doesn't use it anymore. i think that if he should bring it back at his GAB match with batista, because batista isn't the kind of wrestler that would stay down after a GTS.
overall, i'm a fan of the submission finishers, like benoit's crossface. i loved how he could get it locked in anywhere at anytime, and how he just yanked and yanked on his opponents face. i also loved the rivalry he had with angle, and the times when they would use the other's submission on each other. that was classic.
i only like a pinfall after a seriously heavy hitting move. spinebuster, powerbomb, chokeslam, black hole (sidewalk) slam, etc. a pinfall after a soman spike? not believable. a pinfall after something like the last ride? yeah i could go for that. stone cold stunner and the RKO (as well as others) aren't too heavy, but they just happen out of nowhere due to austin's and orton's near perfect execution, so it's more of a stun victory and i can be happy with that too.

