Juanita Bynum Skips Conference, Claims Pastor Went to Room & Saw Her Underclothes

Singer and preacher Juanita Bynum got emotional while revealing that she bailed out on a ministration because the host pastor entered her hotel room and saw her undergarments. Bynum, 60, was one of the ministers lined up for the Breaking The Rules Conference organized by the Experience Church in Chesapeake, Virginia, but what could have

Singer and preacher Juanita Bynum got emotional while revealing that she bailed out on a ministration because the host pastor entered her hotel room and saw her undergarments.

Bynum, 60, was one of the ministers lined up for the Breaking The Rules Conference organized by the Experience Church in Chesapeake, Virginia, but what could have been a blessed preaching engagement turned out to be an unpleasant experience.

The “Morning Glory” singer took to Facebook Live on Sunday night to narrate how everything went wrong and why she couldn’t preach after feeling “violated” by host pastor John Moore III.

Still To Come: Moore told the church that she just didn’t want to preach at the conference anymore

Bynum recalled how her assistant had gone ahead of her to prepare the assigned hotel room as well as to lay out her outfit for the ministration.

“My panties, my stockings, my bra, whatever else I put on, is laid out on the bureau for when I get ready to minister,” she explained. “At that point, I was told that the pastor had entered my room without me being aware that he had been in my room.”

It was Bynum’s assistant who first found out Moore had entered the preacher’s room after the hotel receptionist called to ask if her undergarments were laid across the bureau.

Bynum’s assistant then asked the receptionist how she knew about the underwear and was told Moore had gone in earlier. When asked why she gave the pastor a key to Bynum’s room, the receptionist said it was because he paid for the room.

Bynum said the discovery left her feeling violated and she wasn’t buying the excuse that he wanted to put something in her room.

“The fact that I’m getting ready to go and stand in somebody’s pulpit who’s seen my underwear, I’m sorry people, I just felt naked and I still do and just felt so violated. And what he said was he came in my room to put something in my room. But then his assistant produces drinks at the front desk for [my assistant] to take to my room.”

“As a male, why would you come into my room? Why didn’t you send your wife into my room?” she continued. “And his wife has profusely apologized to me but people of God this, some things are just distasteful.”

Bynum clarified that she decided to go public with her story after learning that Moore told the church that she just didn’t want to preach at the conference anymore despite his pleas with her.

Fans in the comment section showed their support for the singer, assuring her that she did the right thing.

“Awesome Woman of GOD! That Pastor was so out of order going in that room,” one Facebook user said. “You did the right thing, and GOD knows your Heart. Love You And GOD Bless You.”

“God bless you and keep speaking the truth!” another chimed in.

