Jack Ryan Episode 3 and 4 Recap: Intense Global Intrigue

Prime Videos spy thriller series Jack Ryan inches closer to the finale. With just one week left for the show to wrap up its stories and characters that the audience have been with for four seasons, the show ups the ante in its third and fourth episode. Jack Ryan and his team dig deeper into

Prime Video’s spy thriller series ‘Jack Ryan’ inches closer to the finale. With just one week left for the show to wrap up its stories and characters that the audience have been with for four seasons, the show ups the ante in its third and fourth episode. Jack Ryan and his team dig deeper into the convergence of the Triad and the cartel while trying to find the connection in DC. The two episodes of this week come with a shocking revelation while putting the main characters in danger, making us wonder which of them, if any, will survive by the time the show wraps up. Here’s what the ending means. SPOILERS AHEAD

Jack Ryan Episode 3 and 4 Recap

Former director Miller’s death proves the danger is much closer and more powerful than expected. Jack knows he is already in danger, but he is needed on the mission to figure out what’s happening with the Triad, the cartel, and Pluto. He also knows that his involvement in it will become yet another black ops mission construed as an act of rebellion against the authority. As the deputy director of the CIA, it will not reflect well on acting director Wright. So, he resigns from the post and puts Greer on the job instead.

With the freedom to pursue the mission, even though Wright warns him that she might not be able to provide him with much help, Ryan heads to Mexico with Chavez and Mike. They meet with Chavez’s cousin, who introduced him to the cartel, and find out about the Marketplace, where they will find Chao Fah, the only one who can paint the entire picture and get them to the bottom of the truth. They are pointed toward Croatia, which reunites them with Levan Zubkov.

Meanwhile, Wright goes to Nigeria, where she meets President Okoli and his rival, Ekon Ameh, the Nigerian warlord. They tell her that despite their differences with the former president, they had nothing to do with their death. Wright assures them that the CIA didn’t have a hand in it either. She finds a lead from the device confiscated from one of the assassins, which leads Greer to other revelations. At the same time, Chao Fah is trying to get out of Myanmar, but with the mess up in Mexico, the doubt in him has deepened, and he finds himself in a very precarious situation with his brother-in-law.

Jack Ryan Episode 4 Ending

The assassins who killed President Udo were directed by a mysterious man, Bill Tuttle. Tracking the phone number leads Greer to the place where Tuttle operates. However, he doesn’t realize that he is being followed. Later that night, Tuttle pays Greer a visit, where he threatens his family, and tells him to stop the investigation. This makes Greer even more adamant about following up on the lead and getting to the bottom of the truth.

He discovers that Miller had been operating Pluto using a shell company registered under the name of a young Black man who has been in a coma for the past three years. This means that someone has been using his name. In return, they have been paying for his medical bills. Miller figures that it must be someone connected to the man and tells Patrick to look into him and find some connection. Before he can finish the conversation, he is attacked by Tutton.

Tutton stabs Greer but doesn’t anticipate him to fight back. Greer stabs him back using the same knife and then jumps off the bridge into the river. The commotion and the stab wound leave Tutton unable to pursue Greer, who ends up in a hospital but knows enough about his attacker now. The knife tells him that the attacker is someone from special forces. He tells Patrick to go as far back as thirty to forty years while looking into the records. The blood sample from the knife should be enough to identify him.

While Greer is risking his life in DC, Ryan, Chavez, and Mike head to Croatia to find Chao Fah. Unbeknownst to them, Chao Fah is pulled out of the mission at the last moment and is sent to Geneva. In his place, Tin Tun goes to Croatia, where he meets Olafsky to sell him a device that is important to their plan. With the help of Katarina, an acquaintance of Mike, they find a way into Olafsky’s exclusive party.

They are disappointed to discover that Chao Fah is not there, but they succeed in getting their hands on the device. They kill Olafsky, and Chavez takes a selfie with him and sends it to Chao Fah, who has been through a turbulent series of events on his side. After his brother-in-law, Soe Wai realizes he is trying to find a way out, Chao Fah kills him to protect his secret. He painted Soe Wai as the traitor Tin Tun was looking for.

In Geneva, he meets with Zeyara Lemos, who turns out to be a key element of the convergence. She tells Chao Fah that Tin Tun will be out of his way soon, which means all the operations in Myanmar will be put under his command. She has a lot of plans for their operation, but a few things need to go right for that to happen. The revelation of Zeyara Lemos being the villain in ‘Jack Ryan’ also puts Cathy Mueller in danger.

Lemos was introduced as a fundraiser who wants to do good in the world. She ropes in Cathy, telling her about the human trafficking in Myanmar, among other dark things. She says she wants to bring some light to that part of the world. However, now that we know she is the villain, it’s clear that she is one of the perpetrators of the dark things in the country and beyond. This twist means that Cathy and Jack’s paths will collide soon as they both figure out the connections between the Triad, the cartel, and Lemos.

With Cathy utterly unaware of the danger she is in, things might get a little tricky if she ends up in a dangerous situation where one misstep could lead to the loss of her life. It also raises the stakes for Ryan, who believes he has kept his personal and professional life separate. When he leaves home to go on dangerous missions, he believes Cathy is safe back home. This time, however, the danger ended up quite closer than he’d expected.

