"I grew up with an alcoholic dad"

One of the more viral stories going around the internet is the one of Amber Wright and her son, Brixton. Brixton and Amber Wright are from Utah and 16-year-old Brixton plays high school football. However, a moment of an embrace between the two has been going crazy on social media.

One of the more viral stories going around the internet is the one of Amber Wright and her son, Brixton. Brixton and Amber Wright are from Utah and 16-year-old Brixton plays high school football. However, a moment of an embrace between the two has been going crazy on social media.

In the Instagram clip, Amber Wright is hugging her son while he is picking her up from the ground into the air. She was in the air for a couple of seconds before jumping down and congratulating him. Brixton commented on the embrace and how it happened and why their connection is so strong:

"My mom is my hero. I was just giving her a hug after the game and I did pick her up. She did not jump on me. My mom's been the only person there for me my whole life. I grew up with an alcoholic dad who would just come and go when he wanted. He was great when he was sober but he wasn't, he was just so dark and different. He never really showed up to any of my games or anything like that. My mom's been to every single one since I've played."

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70% Win


70% Win


70% Win


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The significance of the jersey seems to be the reason for the emotional aspect as he is paying homage to his late father.

"My dad ended up committing suicide last year and this year I changed my number to 44 because it was his death date (4/4/21). It was her first time seeing me wear it in person so obviously she was very emotional and so was I. All it was was a big hug from me to her."

Brixton and Amber Wright have a special connection and it seems that they do not care what social media thinks. Many people have commented on the post feeling uncomfortable about it.

What was Amber Wright's response to the viral moment?

Amber Wright was the one who posted the embrace of the two on her Instagram page and the post currently has over 179,000 likes. She captioned the post with a heartwarming message to her son. Part of it read:

"This boy will forever and always have my entire heart. Gina captured the end of this moment and I'm SO grateful. When I walked up to hug my baby boy after his game, he immediately picked me up and just held me."

While speaking to TODAY, she expressed her family is affectionate and the moment was close to the family due to what Brixton mentioned earlier.

"I come from a very affectionate family. I hug my dad every time I see him. What you saw on the football field is just how we are. Brix will pick me up and squeeze me and then just put me back down. ... He was feeling emotional, and I think as his mom, I'm his safe space." H/t NY Post

While social media has commented on the fact that it seems like an inappropriate embrace, Amber Wright let people know that nothing malicious should be made from it.

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