Gilgo gal death suit

Dr. Peter Hackett SUSPICION: Shannan Gilbert stayed with Dr. Peter Hackett before she vanished in Long Island, a suit says. () The family of the sex worker whose disappearance led police to a Long Island serial killers graveyard filed a wrongful-death lawsuit yesterday against a physician, claiming he was one of the last people to

Dr. Peter Hackett

Dr. Peter Hackett

SUSPICION: Shannan Gilbert stayed with Dr. Peter Hackett before she vanished in Long Island, a suit says. (

The family of the sex worker whose disappearance led police to a Long Island serial killer’s graveyard filed a wrongful-death lawsuit yesterday against a physician, claiming he was one of the last people to see her alive.

Mari Gilbert — whose daughter Shannan was found dead near Gilgo Beach, LI — alleges in a civil complaint filed in Suffolk County that Dr. Peter Hackett could have prevented the 23-year-old woman’s death.

The mom claims Hackett called her a day after Shannan Gilbert went missing in May 2010 and told her he was a doctor caring for the Craigslist prostitute.

“I do believe in my heart that Dr. Hackett played a major role in my daughter’s death,” Mari Gilbert said. “It’s time that we stand up for our rights.”

Shannan, of Jersey City, went to Hackett’s house in Oak Beach, LI, after fleeing a john’s home, cops say.

She stayed at Hackett’s home briefly and left, the suit says. Her remains were found 11 months ago in a nearby marsh.

While searching for her, cops found the remains of nine other people in the Oak Beach-Gilgo Beach area. They are thought to be victims of a serial killer, but cops have called Shannon’s death accidental.

After Shannan vanished, Hackett called Mari Gilbert saying he gave her drugs to calm her down, the suit alleges.

Mari claims Hackett should have never allowed Shannan to leave his house in that state.

Hackett has admitted phoning Mari Gilbert but says he called only at the urging of Shannan’s boyfriend, Alex Diaz. The men met when Diaz was searching for Shannan.

Hackett insists that, during the call, he offered his help as a board member of the Oak Beach homeowners association.

Suffolk cops have cleared Hackett as a suspect, officials said.

He has admitted he met Shannan that night.

“Dr. Hackett has told many bizarre stories about his role in this case,” said Mari Gilbert’s lawyer, John Ray.

“There’s no direct evidence as to who killed this lady. The circumstantial evidence right now is very strong to support what we’re doing with this lawsuit. I don’t care what the police believe. ”

The suit does not have a figure for damages, but plaintiffs said they’ll ask for millions of dollars.

Hackett could not be immediately reached for comment last night. He has moved to Florida, where Ray says he was served the suit.

