Chris Boshs ex girlfriend Allison Mathis

06/08/2011: Chris Bosh is in court with his ex-girlfriend Allison Mathis, once again over their daughter Trinity. Thanks to earlier legal action, Bosh and Mathis share custody of their daughter, and right now, while Bosh plays in the NBA finals, Trinity is with her mother. Bosh has filed an emergency motion in the Maryland court

06/08/2011: Chris Bosh is in court with his ex-girlfriend Allison Mathis, once again over their daughter Trinity. Thanks to earlier legal action, Bosh and Mathis share custody of their daughter, and right now, while Bosh plays in the NBA finals, Trinity is with her mother. Bosh has filed an emergency motion in the Maryland court system asking that their agreement be temporarily altered so that Trinity “is able to share in what, to date, is the pinnacle of Bosh’s professional career, and possibly a once in a lifetime opportunity”. Basically, Bosh is asking the courts to allow his daughter to see him play in the NBA finals. An understandable request, but don’t the courts have better things to do at this point? Luckily for Bosh, now that the series is going to go at least 6 games, it sounds like Trinity will get to see her father lose to play against the Mavs after all – Bosh is due to get Trinity back the day before game 6.

05/03/2011: Chris Bosh is suing his ex-girlfriend Allison Mathis and the media company responsible for the show “Basketball Wives” on VH1, alleging that they are using his name to “unjustly enrich themselves”. I suppose you could make the argument that I am currently using Bosh’s name to unjustly enrich myself, though I wish the enrich part were actually true.

05/02/2011: Chris Bosh is now engaged to be married. Read about Chris Bosh’s finance Adrienne Williams.

You may know Chris Bosh’s ex girlfriend Allison Mathis for two reasons. Let’s start with the first and more fun reason:
In a game in early January, 2008, Bosh’s Raptors hosted LeBron James and the Cavs. The Raptors were up rather comfortably in the third quarter when LeBron stole the ball and took off for a breakaway dunk, only to miss. After the failed dunk a couple of courtside fans, including Allison Mathis began getting on LeBron’s case. After initially laughing it off, LeBron exploded for 24 points in the 4th quarter helping the Cavs to a big comeback win. Late in the 4th, LeBron was seen pointing at Mathis and friends saying, “It’s your fault.” After the game, LeBron confirmed that he was directing his comments to them stating, “They’re the reason the Raptors lost tonight,… ticked me off a little bit.”
Hell, just go watch the SportsCenter highlight of it here.

OK, so now for the less fun reason you may have heard of Allison Mathis.

Mathis and Bosh were together for a while, and ultimately decided to have a child together. After coming home from the Beijing Olympics in 2008, Bosh made it clear to the 7-month-pregnant Mathis that he was ready to end the relationship, and then attempted to remove her from their jointly owned home. In May of 2009, Mathis brought a suit against Bosh, and according to the court documents filed by Mathis,

“With Mathis seven months pregnant it is alleged Bosh stopped supporting her financially and attempted to have her removed from their home. Without money to pay for her obstetrician appointments, let alone a means of transportation to attend them, Mathis, according to the documents, suffered “breakthrough bleeding and a constantly upset stomach” while utility companies threatened to disconnect her electricity, gas and water.”

Look, we’re not going to cast judgement on anyone here. However, if this controversy makes you think less of Bosh, then maybe watching this video will make you feel better. PlayerWives all time favorite player Paul Pierce and his left knee may have just guaranteed that Chris Bosh will never face another paternity suit.

