Biography of Anette Michel Age, height, pack, spouses, children, young

Anette Michel Carrillo, better known simply asAnette Michel, is a famous actress and television hostwho has stood out in various television projects such as UEPA, 3 families, Family Secrets, until I met you, Yes with you, among many more.Anette Michelwas born on June 30, 1971 in Guadalajara, Jalisco and from 215 to 2019 she was

Who is Anette Michel?

Anette Michel Carrillo , better known simply as Anette Michel, is a famous actress and television host who has stood out in various television projects such as UEPA, 3 families, Family Secrets, until I met you, Yes with you, among many more. Anette Michel was born on June 30, 1971 in Guadalajara, Jalisco and from 215 to 2019 she was the star host of Master Chef Mexico.

Personal data of Anette Michel

Full name: Anette Michel Carrillo
Best Known: Annette Michel
Date of Birth: June 30, 1971
Nationality: Mexicana
From: Guadalajara Jalisco
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Occupation: actress and hostess
Talent: acting
Husband: Gregorio Jiménez,  Israel Jaitovich  (Ex)
Son: Nicolás Jimenez Michel
Height: 1.70 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Raza: Latina
Eye color: Verdes
Skin color: Blanca
Hair color: Café
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Biography of Anette Michel

Beginnings in the life of Anette Michel

The host and actress Anette Michel was born in 1971 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, she is currently considered one of the most beautiful faces on national television, Anette Michel has also earned the love of her fans for her charisma and authenticity but above all her great sense the humor that has always characterized her.

The beginnings within the medium of the show occurred as a model in the city of Guadalajara at the age of 14, some time later Anette Michel went to settle in Mexico City, to see her modeling career grow further since she was hired by contemporaneous; but Ella anette Michel had in mind to become a television star and actress so it didn’t take long for her to be invited to host a program called Hollywood DF which made reference to fashion and current affairs; Although the program was not so successful, it did help for the Ajusco television station to notice her and give her the first leading role in the telenovela Al norte del corazón , one of the first melodramas on TV Azteca and with great success.

Trajectory and history of Anette Michel

Al norte del corazón was a Mexican telenovela produced for TV Azteca in 1997, by Rubén Galindo and Santiago Galindo with the starring roles of Anette Michel and Jorge Luis Pila , the telenovela would end up becoming one of the most successful on the television station of that then. After the great success came another leading role in the soap opera “Marea Brava” now sharing with Héctor Soberón and David Zepeda . After appearing in other soap operas, Anette Michel opted for conducting and stayed as one of the headlines of Temprano.

Tempranito would become another great success for Anette Michel ‘s career within that program that was broadcast on weekends and in which she was the host along with Daniel Bisogno and Ingrid Coronado, however, although for a while Anette and Ingrid were great friends Inside and outside the program this ended when Ingrid apparently proposed something unthinkable to her friend. It all happened at Anette Michel’s house, there was her boyfriend Luis Manuel Peralta and also Ingrid Coronado with Charlie who was her boyfriend at the time. After singing karaoke, Ingrid proposed to Anette that they exchange partners to be intimate, a situation that she did not like, so Anette took her by the hair and took her out of her house.

After the conflict, it was notorious in the program that they no longer got along, it was even said that Ingrid Coronado was trying to have a greater role in Tempranito and that they put Anette Michel aside . Tempranito was on the air from 1998 to 2005 and many years later, Anette spoke about what happened with Ingrid: “We were good friends and what happened was that, at some point, I joked with her and told her: “how wonderful, how Your husband is handsome, what a great body he has’. And she answered me: Oh yes, your husband too’. Some time later I stopped having a relationship with Rodrigo Abed, and I hesitated with her and said: hey, lend me your husband, he’s very handsome’, and we laughed because we were good friends” concluded Anette Michel.

After finishing her project in Tempranito, Anette Michel returned to soap operas and participated in some melodramas such as The Other Half of the Sun, A Man Wanted, Pasión Morena, La Mujer de Judas, Secretos de Familia, Until I Met You, UEPA A stage for amar y 3 familias , this being the last novel in which he participated after TV Azteca decided in 2018 to cancel the production of telenovelas because they were no longer very successful after the strong arrival of new technologies and digital television proposals such as Netflix and youtube.

Although Anette Michel has a long history of success in soap operas and television programs, she is undoubtedly much more remembered by the public today after becoming the main host of Master Chef México. Master Chef Mexico is a reality show originally created by British television and later brought to Mexico by TV Azteca in which the purpose is to find the best amateur cook and chef in the entire country. In October 2015, the first season of the most successful gastronomic reality show on all Mexican television premiered, and it has even been nominated as the best reality show at the Kids Choice Awards.

The Master Chef México program was hosted by the talented Anette Michel , while the jury and gastronomic critics were made up of Betty Vázquez , Chef Adrián Herrera , Benito Molina Dubost and José Ramón Castillo who joined the program from the 2019 season .

Master Chef became a success on television and achieved very good audience levels, especially thanks to the fact that in the first season there were contestants who were very liked by the public, such as La Hermana Flor and Alan Rangel, who would finally stay with first place in the competition in its first season.

After the great success achieved with the first broadcast of Master Chef México , the producers decided to make a version for children that would be called Master Chef Junior 2016 where their mission would be to find the child between 8 and 13 years old with the best culinary talent of all. Mexico. In this season, Sister Flor, who won the affection of the entire public in the first broadcast of the reality show, served as a special guest in charge of supporting all the children when they had a problem cooking.

Although the first season was a success, a strong rumor began almost in the final stretch that ended up overshadowing the supposed veracity of the program after rumors began to circulate that the contestant Alana Lliteras was the niece of Anette Michel and that everything was planned. from the beginning so that she was the winner. Quickly, both Anette Michel and the producers of the program took it upon themselves to deny that version, but the rumors were so strong that very few people found out that they were not really related, so in subsequent seasons of Master Chef when Alana Lliteras was invited Anette Michel was in charge of denying again that she was his aunt.“I am not a relative or a niece of Anette Michel, or anything to do with it…” , commented Alana Lliteras, who was finally crowned the best cook at Master Chef Junior 2016.

After the first two seasons of Master Chef , more seasons would continue, one per year, and there were even occasions when two seasons were released, one for children and one for adults. Among the winners of these broadcasts are Alan Rangel, Alana Lliteras , Bertha López, Diego Fernández , Honorina Arroyo and Ismael Zhu Li (El chino), who until now is one of the most prominent after managing to win the cooking section of the program. “Come Joy”. In 2019 a new season of MasterChef took placewhere the best of the previous seasons would be facing each other and they did not win, this in order to have their revenge; In the end, Carmen Miranda, originally a participant in the first season, won.

In October 2020 another new season of Master Chef was released but for the first time it was broadcast on Fridays and featured the participation of Chef Betty Vázquez , Chef Adrián Herrera and José Ramón Castillo as judges, Anette Michel  in the conduction and by Alana Lliteras and Diego Fernández participated in the project for the first time , while chef Benito decided not to participate because he was apparently no longer interested in the reality show.

At the end of 2020 and just a few weeks after the new season of Master Chef 2020 was released, Anette Michel was invited to participate as an ‘observer’ in the program Todos quieren fama, hosted by Roger González . ” The truth is that I am very happy, I am spending a spectacular evening, the program is very light and very fun, I am very happy that they invited me,” she commented. A year later, some rumors arose that Anette Michel would be looking for an opportunity to work for Televisa and trying to be the protagonist of the telenovela “La soulless” but in the end that did not happen, although she did leave TV Azteca and had a role within the novel “With you yes”.

After so many successes that Anette Michel was achieving in her artistic career , in October 2021 another great project arrived from Televisa in the soap opera “Contigo Sí” which was highly anticipated because the soap opera that was on that same schedule “Designing your love” had not given the expected results.  The telenovela “Contigo sí” in which Anette Michel  participated was a new modernized adaptation of the successful novel “Viviana”.

In the telenovela “Contigo sí” Anette Michel  played Mirta Morán de Santillana , she also shared the cast with other great stars and figures of Mexican television such as  Miranda Kay ,  Kenneth Lavíll ,  Axel Ricco ,  Daniela Zavala , Alejandra Procuna ,  Felipe Nájera ,  Arlette Pacheco ,  Lalo Palacios ,  Francisco Rubio , Carina Ricco ,  Carlos Speitzer ,  Gema Garoa ,  Manuel Landeta ,  Tania Lizardo ,  Paulina de Labra ,Lisardo , Lara Fields ,  Pedro Moreno ,  Nacho Ortiz Vera  and  Ernesto Laguardia , among others.  

Boyfriends and husband of Anette Michel

Anette Michel and Gregorio Jimenez

The television host and actress, Anette Michel, is married to businessman Gregorio Jiménez with whom she had a son named Nicolás Jiménez Michel . Asked if she was thinking of having more children, she commented: ” We need to be more careful in thinking about how many children in the world, I respect people who have three, four, five children, but I do believe that this is not the time,” Anette Michel declared , but she did not ruled out perhaps adopting.

In mid-2020, a statement from the actress and comedian Amaranta Ruiz was surprising, who assured that Anette Michel had asked her to take care of her son Nicolás Jiménez Michel in the event that she was missing one day. During an interview in Venga la Alegría, the former host of the “Puro Loco” program Amaranta Ruiz said that she would keep custody of Nicolás, the son of the presenter of ” MasterChef México “, in the event that she was absent since she considered the best person to take care of his son.

Anette Michel and Jorge Luis Pila

After meeting during their participation in the soap opera ‘Al Norte del Corazón’, the celebrities stayed together and even lived in free union but later they got married but the woman from Guadalajara lasted two weeks married to the soap opera heartthrob Jorge Luis Pila, the media reported that the breakup was due to Pila cheating on Michel with the actress Aura Cristina Geithner; she denied it and said that it was all because her work schedules distanced them.

Anette Michel and Israel Jaitovich

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Israel Jaitovich had a loving relationship with the artist Anette Michel , regarding this issue, Anette confessed that when she began dating Israel Jaitovich, her acting career was just beginning. Although there are some rumors that the end of this love relationship was due to Anette, who cheated on  Israel Jaitovich , the actress has a different version to tell, this is how she tries to deny the rumors of cheating, expressing the great admiration she felt to him.

“He was a man who taught me a lot of things, he helped me understand the movement of the city (he is referring to Mexico City). He is a man who taught me to negotiate, he was like a father to me, he was a very mature man for his age because he is only 4 years apart from me”.

However, not everything was hunky-dory in their relationship and in a recent interview he commented that his relationship with Israel Jaitovich  also had bad moments:   “He had many personality conflicts, he was a person who had a hard time showing his feelings and we were very young enough to say that we go to a therapy. We grew apart, his world and mine were very different. One day I said that it was not necessary to continue, unlike what he tells, I did not cheat on him.

Here it should be noted that the rumors that Anette was cheating on Israel arose from the fact that some time after leaving him, she ended up marrying the actor Jorge Luis Pila, whom she met on the set of a soap opera, at a time when she was still dating. with Israel Jaitovich but finally  Anette Michel would separate from him. 

Pack by Anette Michel

Although on social networks and the internet people search a lot for the Anette Michel pack or for photos in which she can be seen scantily clad or in sensual poses, the truth is that currently there is no Anette Michel pack other than those photos. that the artist has published on his own networks and that could be considered sexy.

How much is the fortune of Anette Michel?

This is one of the questions that people ask the most about Anette Michel and although they always end up answering it on other pages with “I don’t know” or “it depends” if there are some estimates that various web portals mention. However, it is not possible to make an exact calculation about the fortune of this great star that is Anette Michel within the middle of the show, even so, more than being interested in the fortune of a person, the important thing is the talent they have and what they have done that he is among the great figures of the international show business.

Without a doubt, the career of this great star Anette Michel will continue to rise and we will be attentive to everything that happens around her, so we invite you to stay on our page for the next updates that we will have on life, career, history and biography of Anette Michel.

